November 11th, 2022 × #Web Development#JavaScript#Podcasts

Supper Club × Open Table LIVE SHOW

Wes and Scott discuss site bugs, Vercel announcements like TurboPack, the post-Webpack era, and take audience questions in a live stream podcast.

Topic 0 00:31

Wes and Scott introduce live stream

Guest 1

Welcome to Syntax. This is the podcast with the tastiest web development treats out there. This is a live stream. We haven't done a live stream in quite a while, and I'm pretty excited about it because we haven't done a live stream since we've done the supper club. And we had this idea of doing what we call the shameless plug a sode for a long time, which is basically, like, Tell us what you're working on. What do you wanna plug? What what kind of cool stuff do you have? So if you have a question, for the podcast, Cast, if you want to plug something, you just want to tell us kind of what you're working on and chitchat.

Guest 1

You have a sick pick, you name it.

Guest 1

Come on down.

Topic 1 01:16

Encouraging audience participation

Guest 1

Join in on the Riverside.

Guest 1

There's supposedly a button that says ask a question.

Guest 1

So Feel free to hit that button, and we'll bring you on, or you can just ask the text text question as well. How are you doing today, Scott?

Topic 2 01:32

Scott working on site redesign, fixing bugs

Guest 2

I'm doing great. Yeah. Doing really good.

Guest 2

Just trying to just trying to get through it. You know? It's that fall time of the year where everything's getting really cold, but, we're we're so, like, knee deep in this redesign that I'm I'm so, like, You know, final last 10% of the way, push through it, find all the bugs, do all the stuff, get going that way. I The hard part.

Guest 2

One of the major bugs that we are having in Safari yesterday. And this might be a little interesting.

Guest 2

But If you have an aspect ratio defined inside of another thing that has an aspect ratio, Safari apparently doesn't like that very much.

Topic 3 02:06

Safari aspect ratio bug crashing site

Guest 2

And what happened was even with JavaScript disabled, JavaScript completely disabled.

Guest 2

It was, like, almost an infinite loop of repainting where it was just trying to get the aspect ratios correct, and it just kept growing, crashed the browser.

Guest 2

Chrome, for some reason, is just, like, fine. Whatever. It it's the outermost parent. That's the source of truth. Yeah. I didn't like it. So, it was a hard bug to solve, but, you know, one of those ones where it's like, oh, Safari is crashing for literally no reason, only on Ios, and I have no idea why.

Guest 2

Like it like it actually was, like, the whole app was actually crashing? Yeah. It was crashing. It would it would do, like, a refresh. So it would, like, grow, grow, grow until that, like, Repaint cycle, like, exceeded whatever limit, and they would refresh the site.

Guest 2

So it was almost, like, continuously refreshing. But, again, like, I mean, you turn off JavaScript, and it's still happening without JavaScript. You're like, alright. Now this is an interesting one. This is a Yeah. This is a fun bug. Oh, I do not Envy, the folks that have to deal with those like, aspect ratio is not based on,

Guest 1

like, anything else. So, like, that's a bug in itself. But you think about, some of these bugs, like flexbox bugs, That something is like I had it with my Nav, where if the Nav was, like, a certain width, then it would Wrap onto the online and then thank you. My wife is bringing me a coffee and a cookie. Thank you. Love you.

Topic 4 03:22

Flexbox causing navigation wrapping bug

Guest 2


Guest 2

Look, I got I got a coffee and a tea.

Guest 2

Double. And a lovely, double who's in the steer? Yeah. I don't. Is this Bambi? This might be Bambi.

Guest 1

All right.

Guest 1

So lovely guests in the audience.

Topic 5 04:04

Asking for audience questions

Guest 1

Let's see. Not sure how many people wanna ask a question or or jump on, but the show is yours. So, folks, do you see a ask A question button in the bottom. Just throw it in the chat.

Guest 1

Oh, we got one right here. Hey, Wes and Scott. What are your thoughts on the verse Sal announcements yesterday, pretty excited about turbo pack. Thoughts on Versal on the okay. So that is a great question.

Topic 6 04:30

Discussing Vercel announcements

Guest 1

So yesterday, Versal had a big, huge, Apple event, where they They like, props to Versal. So Versal has major, major marketing behind it. I got, not lying, probably 10 emails from a PR company.

Guest 1

They asked me to sign an embargo to to get the inside scoop of what they're announcing early. I didn't do that because, like, I'm a web but you know what? I'm not a journalist.

Guest 1

So they have they major stuff behind it, and they announced A lot of really exciting things in Next. Js.

Guest 1

One of them, kinda related is, like, Vercel hired the the guy who made webpack, And they are building this new thing called TurboPack, which is another bundler built in rust 20,000 times faster, apparently.

Topic 7 05:06

Vercel's new TurboPack bundler

Guest 1

So that's pretty exciting because now I think we're in, like, the post Webpack era. We have we have parcel.

Guest 1

We have SWC and ES build, which power a lot of those things. We have, a lot of these new environments. Yeah. Turbo pack now.

Topic 8 05:29

Entering post-Webpack era

Guest 1

So it's pretty exciting for that. I think that's really cool. I think it's got a bit of a ways to go. There's no plug in support.

Guest 1

I know a lot of people rely Pretty heavily on, like, plug ins and whatnot.

Topic 9 05:51

Less plugin reliance in Vercel

Guest 1

When you when you sort of, like, move to v in parcel land, you don't Use as many plug ins because a lot of that stuff is built in.

Guest 1

You might not even know that you're using a specific plug in for that. So, I'm pretty excited about it. I think it's it's kind of early days to see exactly what it is, but I think it's it's great for the ecosystem.

Topic 10 06:10

TurboPackfaster than Vite

Guest 2

Totally. Yeah. It's funny that, you know, it's listed so much faster than feet, and feet is already really quick. So it'll be interesting to see if it is, you know, actually that fast. At the end of the day, you know, what's cool about it is that it does push the tooling forward.

Guest 2

And if there's one thing that we learned, especially with, like, the folks in general, is that, they they They're pretty good.

Guest 2

They're pretty good at really stepping up to the plate here. So, there could be something

Guest 1

Coming up. Somebody said that the v uses it's e s build. Right? Correct. Yeah. V uses e s build. So there is a possibility That we could just switch out, like, the engine of, like, I don't think, like, V and turbo pack are the same thing.

Topic 11 06:43

Possibility of switching Vite's engine

Guest 2

Maybe they are. The big the big difference here is that TurboPAK is not targeting specifically
